Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Refreshing your Job Search - CareerAlley

Refreshing your Job Search - CareerAlley We may receive compensation when you click on links to products from our partners. Its never too soon to review and refresh your job search. Almost the New Year, and none too fast in my view. It can be refreshing to wipe the slate clean and start fresh. Looking for a new job can be challenging even in the best of times and now is the perfect time to reassess your approach to finding a new job. Like everything else in life, too many or unrealistic goals will lead to failure, so keep your refresh task list short and make it count. Weve listed a few suggested job search refresh ideas to get you started, but you should make a list that works for you. Review your Job Search Approach Whats worked well and what has not? You should refocus your approach and spend more time on what has worked well (while not abandoning other strategies). As an example, if youve gotten better responses from contacting employers directly, then allocate more time to this activity. Like everything else in life, too many or unrealistic goals will lead to failure, so keep your refresh task list short and make it count. Tweet This Review and Revise your Resume If youve been looking for a job for any length of time, youve probably already figured out that you either need to revise your resume as you go or have several versions targeted to specific jobs. You should also make sure that your resume includes all of the important keywords and skills that will ensure your resume shows up in a search for your industry/profession. Nows the perfect time to review and revise your resume and you should consider a free resume review. TopResume Free Resume Review Price: TopResume writes and analyzes more resumes and LinkedIn profiles than any other service in the world. Let our resume experts provide you with objective feedback and personalized recommendations to improve your resume and land the right job sooner. Get a free, confidential resume review from TopResume Get Your Killer Resume We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. Refresh your Network Now is the perfect time to send update emails to recruiters youve worked with along with a revised copy of your resume. This lets them know that you are actively seeking a new job and a revised resume will help. The same holds true for the rest of your network. While you might not need to send your resume, just contacting them to see how they are doing is a great way to stay connected. Of course, your LinkedIn network is your best job search networking resource. The Power Formula for Linkedin Success: Kick-start Your Business, Brand, and Job Search Price: $6.72 This simple, user-friendly guide explains how you can access the full power of LinkedIn--including advice on making lasting business connections, building a unique personal brand, and generating career opportunities. Buy Now from Amazon We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. Last Updated: March 2, 2020 Refresh your Job Boards There are hundreds of job search sites on the Internet. This is definitely a case of where less is more. Limit yourself to 3 or so job search sites (more than that is not a good use of your time) and take a look at those that best fit your needs. Use at least one generic site and then pick two that are focused on your industry or career. CareerAlleys Ultimate List of Job Search Boards 27 Job Search Boards and Thousands of Jobs This is a list of job search sites from CareerAlley with a brief description of each site. Take a look at these and start to build your list of job search sites. Over 100 iPhone job apps You need to be nimble and leverage your smartphone in your job search as well. This is a great source of iPhone job apps (from to help you find a job on the run. Using Android and feeling left out? Dont worry, they also have a great list for Android 300+ Android Job Search Apps. Company Career Sites All jobs posted on company career sites are real jobs (as compared to some opportunities on job search sites where some of the jobs are either already filled or are there to lure you in). You can spend your time looking at true opportunities and know you are not wasting your time when you apply for the job. Take a look at CareerAlleys Company Career Sites for Direct Links to Jobs Most companies will post jobs on their career site for a period of time before they open them to recruiters. They do this to save on recruiting fees but are also interested in people who seek out their company by posting their resume or applying for jobs. Most company sites allow you to post your resume and to sign up for job alerts. Job Search Gear Job Search Gear What's next? Ready to take action? Choose the right tools to help you build your career. Looking for related topics? Find out how to identify and land your dream job. Subscribe and make meaningful progress on your career. It̢۪s about time you focused on your career. Get Educated Contact Us Advertise Copyright 2020 CareerAlley. All Rights Reserved. Privacy Policy + Disclosure home popular resources subscribe search

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